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Peter's Thief

General Information

Peter's Thief
Artist Name: Peter's Thief
Genre(s): rock,alternative
Contact: petersthief - at -
(317) 287-9489
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Brock Coffey-Lead Guitar, Vocals

Clint Fleming-Drums, Vocals

Matt Hannum-Bass, Vocals

Jeremiah Maxwell-Lead Vocals, Guitar
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Peter's Thief was created in February of 2007. This Central Indiana-based band was a new beginning for Matt Hannum, Clint Fleming, Brock Coffey, and Jeremiah Maxwell; a new sound with new songs, a new name, even a new face. Born from the ashes of a long-lasting band, Peter's Thief plays songs of hope, love, peace and new days ahead. Their sound is heavy and their message can be hard-hitting, but the band is dedicated to love. Their songs speak of topics such as God and life and loss and fear. Though new, the band hopes to be around for a long time, playing the music they are passionate about for those who love their music. For booking, contact Jeremiah Maxwell.


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